Qiita markdownのgemを利用したサンプルアプリをcloud9環境からherokuにデプロイしたいのですが 以下のエラーがでてしまいうまくデプロイができません 対応方法をアドバイスのほどお願いします gem install rugged v nbs.
Error cmake is required to build rugged extconf rb failed.
One may alternatively download and build cmake from source.
Check the mkmf log file for more details.
Extconf rb failed could not create makefile due to some reason probably lack of necessary libraries and or headers.
No checking for make.
Cmake is required to build rugged.
No checking for make.
Extconf rb failed could not create makefile due to some reason probably lack of necessary libraries and or headers.
Pgroup prevented a build here as well.
Pkg config is required to build rugged.
Check the mkmf log file for more details.
Log file for more details.
Yes checking for cmake.
Cmake is required to build rugged.
There are pre compiled binaries available on the download page for windows as msi packages and zip files.
Cmake is required to build rugged.
Both 0 28 0 and 0 28 1 are broken i have rolled back to 0 27 0 until the fix is released.
Extconf rb failed could not create makefile due to some reason probably lack of necessary libraries and or headers.
Yes checking for cmake.
Yes checking for gmake.
Yes checking for pkg config.
C ruby22 bin ruby exe r siteconf20160914 18296 1y2wwnp rb extconf rb checking for gmake.
Usr bin ruby2 1 extconf rb checking for cmake.
There are several ways to install cmake depending on your platform.
That version seemed to install fine.
Extconf rb failed could not create makefile due to some reason probably lack of necessary libraries and or headers.
I experienced the same issue.
Usr local bin ruby extconf rb checking for cmake.